Allman Life Care Planning - Holly Allman, DNP, RN, CLCP (415)235-3504
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Allman Life Care Planning was founded in 2020 by Holly Allman, Doctor of Nursing Practice, Registered Nurse and Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP). Holly established her practice in order to assist parties in planning and budgeting for future medical, psychosocial, and rehabilitative care needs for catastrophically injured persons. Having experience as a health care provider, business owner, family estate trust executor and fiduciary, Holly understands the importance of comprehensive catastrophic health care planning and the fair, accurate, and reasonable costing of goods and services. Allman Life Care Planning's immediate service area includes San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, San Joaquin Valley, and Southern California.
Holly Allman, DNP, RN, CLCP
Doctorate, Adult-Geriatric Acute Care NP - University of Arizona
Bachelor of Arts,. Environmental Science - University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Science,. Nursing - Samuel Merritt University
CLCP Certification
Dr. Allman completed her Certified Life Care Planning pre-credential from the International Rehabilitation Education & Training Program, and is certified as a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) by the International Commission for Health Care Certification - qualifying her as a court expert in life care planning.
Dr. Allman's care management experience includes managing the care of patients with traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident (stroke), amputation, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), de-gloving injuries, spine injuries, skeletal fractures, soft tissue injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, paralysis, terminal cancer, mental illness, respiratory problems, diabetes and heart disease.
Dr. Allman has extensive experience as a Director of Nursing and preoperative nurse in orthopedics, as a clinical nurse in spinal procedures and pain management, as a nurse case manager in home health care, and as a Nurse Practitioner resident in cardiology. Dr. Allman excels in scientific and medical research and is proficient in identifying lifetime care needs for injured parties and rehabilitative measures to mitigate residual physical, cognitive and psychosocial handicaps.
Life care planning is a health care sub-specialty practice which focuses on identifying future medical, rehabilitation, and psychosocial needs and the associated costs of goods and services to furnish these needs for individuals (evaluees) who have chronic medical needs or who have experienced a catastrophic injury . These needs-based recommendations, and reasonable estimates of costs (in todays dollars), are projected over the course of an injured party's lifetime. These recommendations and and costs are outlined. in a concise and dynamic document called a life care plan.
Life care planners base their recommendations on several factors which may include assessment of the injured party, review and analysis of medical records, research of published standards of practice, adherence to clinical practice guidelines, geographically-specific cost of medical care, locally available resources, and collaboration with treating physicians and professionals in relevant practice areas.
Goals. The life care plan is a well-coordinated plan of future care needs that is intended to maximize function & medical outcomes, to minimize the risk of complications and to meet the evaluee's treatment goals. The following are some important aspects of life care plans:
Reliablity & Objectivity
The recommendations in the life care plan are based upon treating and expert physician medical recommendations, with adherence to generally accepted clinical practice standards, published clinical practice guidelines, and evidence-based research in clinical practice. The CLCP methodology is consistent, transparent and allows for reproducibility by other life care planning professionals.
The Life Care Plan is Multi-Dimensional
Each recommendation is made having considered its impact on all other areas of the care plan. Such considerations include time, frequency and duration overlaps, redundancies in care, sequelae following treatment, and contingent/interdependent items.
Usual Customary and Reasonable Costs. Estimated costs are based on usual, customary and reasonable (UCR) costs for medical goods and services within the injured party's local community. The highest and lowest costs of medical goods and services are not used to estimate costs. Cost sources for goods and services are based on Dr. Allman's experience, education, training, and review of transparent, reliable and publicly-accessible cost data.
Neutrality / Non-Advocacy. Life care plans used in litigation or adversarial circumstances are party-neutral. The life care plan should be identical regardless of the retaining party, or referral source..
Assumption of Probabilistic Success - Each recommendation for medical treatment or therapy is made with the underlying assumption that the intervention will lead to a probabilistic successful outcome (e.g., treatments that do not have a probabilistic chance of success or any recommendations that are based solely on an assumption of a failed outcome are inappropriate).
The Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) must be proficient in assessing and evaluating the physical impairments caused by the evaluee's injuries/illnesses, the disabilities resulting from these impairments, and the areas and extent to which these disabilities create problems in the evaluee's life activities. The CLCP must be proficient in reviewing and analyzing a myriad of data from medical, psychosocial, vocational, and educational records. The CLCP must be able to construct a comprehensive list of problems related to the evaluee's functional and cognitive impairments, and make evidence-based recommendations for the mitigation of these problems over the course of the evaluee's lifetime.
Not all health care providers are eligible candidates for the CLCP certification. The CLCP credential is limited to those health professionals that have:
1) provided direct patient care specific to the treatment, care and rehabilitation of individuals with significant disabilities, 2) completed additional post-graduate education and training in life care planning, and 3) passed the CLCP certification examination administered by the International Commission on Health Care Certification (ICHCC). For additional information about the CLCP credential requirements, please click on the following link.
Dr. Allman's role as a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) expert witness in Trial is that of an educator. As a Doctor of Nursing Practice, Registered Nurse, and CLCP, Dr. Allman is able to assist a trier of fact in understanding:
The International Commission on Health Care Certification (2021) recognizes those professionals with the credential of CLCP, CCLCP, CDE I, II, III and MSCC as "qualified expert witnesses who can lend assistance with developing fair and valid care plans for catastrophically injured persons, work related injuries, estate/trust planning, and in performing impairment ratings and disability evaluations"
For a link to Dr. Allman's ICHCC listing and verification of her CLCP credential, please click the following link and search for keyword "Allman".
1831 Garden Highway, Sacramento, CA 95833
Phone: (415)860-1085 Email:
Copyright © 2020 Allman Life Care Planning - All Rights Reserved.
Web design and content by Holly Allman